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Toe of the Hill
Details (12/22/2024)
Status: Partial
Difficulty: Beginner
Uses: Mt Biking & Hiking & Equestrian
Length: 3.2 miles
Start: 5,303'
End: 5,374'
Min: 5,271'
Max: 5,385'
Gain: 507'
Loss: -433'
Elevation Profile
// track pieces: 1118, // elevation pieces: 1118
Trailhead Forecast (12/22/2024)
Description / Access Information
Toe of the Hill: This 3.2 mile long trail runs along the foothills east of the Woodside Subdivision. The trail was extended by the BCRD in 2022 to allow for a connection on its north end to the BCRD Quigley Trails Park trails and facilities.

Becki Keefer, former Projects Coordinator for the Hailey Parks and Lands Board, was instrumental in building the Toe of the Hill Trail.

Directions:  There are several access points to the Toe of the Hill Trail.  From north to south they are the BCRD Quigley Trails Park, Wood River High School, Community Campus, Founder's Field, Woodside Central Park, Echo Hill Park, and Woodside Elementary School.

Highlights & Info:  The Toe of the Hill trail is a single-track hiking or biking trail on the east side of Hailey.  It runs along the base of Patterson Pk. and is an asset for the greater Hailey community. It very popular with people living in the Woodside neighborhoods.

*For more detailed descriptions, topo maps, and information on the history, geology, and wildflowers of the Wood River Valley pick up a copy of Exploring Sun Valley online or find it at one of several local shops.